Unbearable Pain of Piercing Arrows not felt.

Once our Prophet SAW was returning after Jihad (battle for Justice) while returning he and his party decided for a respite. He instructed that two persons should act as guard and keep watching and patrolling while others may take comfortable sleep to awake afresh. Two aspirants offered their services and were instructed to go towards the top of hill and Prophet  reminded them to be careful lest the enemy attack us in the darkness of night and affect one and all of us. Both approached site, kept sitting for a while and then consulted with each other and  decided that if both of them keep on awakening, may be in the last phase of night hours they may feel sleepy. So it is better that turn by turn one may sleep while other keep awakened, as, this will complete their task and the instruction of the Prophet. The person who did not sleep had a careful look in his surrounding.  After  regular intervals he decided  how nice it will be for him to offer two rakats each of the late night prayers, so he started Salat and in each Rakat he recited SURE- KAHAF in which he felt so relished that he kept on reciting the same each time.
Mean while some enemies happened to passed by  their side and noted  that the warrior party are in deep sleep and no one was seen to guard them, but when one of them  saw the top of the hill he saw a person standing there, he targeted his arrow on the standing person (offering prayer)  blood came as fountain from his body but he was busy in recitation without getting disturbed. The second arrow passed through his body, the enemy had targeted many arrows one by one so the bleeding process was non stop. When the prayers were nearly on completion, then only he saw lot of blood lost from his body he thought that due to the weakness he may fall down and become unconscious if it happens so then who will call the fellow guard to discharge his duty of safety of his party as instructed. It may lead to his irresponsibility and great fault on his part of his duty. He quickly completed the prayer and called his fellow(who was sleeping), apprised him that he has multiple arrows shooted on him  but recitation of Surah Kahaf remained undisturbed and he continued completing  Rakat after Rakat and therefore he could not feel the pains of the arrows.
 Note that recitation of Quran in real sense fearing Allah with full sanctity prevents the feeling of excruciating unbearable pain. Is it not a miracle of Quran. His sacrifice made him martyr entitled for entering heaven  by the grace of Allah. INSHALLAH Ameen

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